Laser Hair Removal Before And After – (Results With Photos)

As laser hair removal is becoming more and more popular both among women and men, it is worth taking a good interest in this subject. Not only in terms of the procedure itself or the occurrence of any side effects but also in the preparation of our skin and care afterward.

We want to show you the overall results of laser hair removal before and after the procedure. While doing laser hair removal it is important to pay attention to a few things below:

  • Take care of the clarity of our skin.
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  • Abstain from waxing, sugar paste removal, and skin peeling.
  • Do not use photosensitizing herbs and medicines.
  • Remove hair with a razor immediately before the treatment.

Laser hair removal before and after and how long does it take

Laser Hair Removal Before And After
Laser Hair Removal Before And After

How should I take care of my smooth skin? To make the treatment even safer and avoid irritation, you should refrain from tanning both in the sun and in a solarium (at least 4 weeks before the treatment) and stop using self-tanning products at least 2 weeks before the treatment. Remember that laser captures the dark color of hair, which comes from the pigments – melanin presented in them. Therefore, while being outdoors try to cover the part of the body which you want to be treated with a laser.

Give up for a while the epilation with wax or sugar paste

This type of hair removal should be abandoned at least 6 weeks before the laser treatment because it can deform the hair roots and thus weaken the effects of the hair removal. Also, any kind of skin peeling is not recommended as it can increase the susceptibility of the skin to irritation.

Do not use photosensitizing herbs or medicines. Do not take photosensitizing drugs at least 6 weeks before the epilation procedure, if you are taking any drugs check the leaflet whether they have such an effect. Do not drink herbal teas containing St. John’s wort, calendula, field horsetail, or chamomile.

Remove hair with a traditional razor Ideally, the day before your treatment, use a razor to remove the hair, as this will speed up the duration of the treatment. Also make sure that your skin is free of any lotions, creams, oils, or antiperspirants. Remember, the laser works best on clean skin, so it is a good idea to cleanse your skin before the treatment.

epilator before and after

Facts and myths about laser hair removal

– Does laser hair removal permanently remove hair?

True, only such treatments will get rid of unwanted hair irretrievably. The laser damages a part of the hair follicle. Its beam penetrates the skin in the form of

heat and reaches the place where regeneration takes place. This has the effect of completely inhibiting the regrowth of new hair.

– Laser treatment should not be carried out in the summer.

This is a myth, as this treatment can be performed all year round provided that the previous recommendations are followed.

Therefore, let us remind you onc

e again that the most important thing is to protect your skin from the sun’s rays, both by shielding it and using a cream with a UV filter.

– The number of laser treatments is individual.

True, the number of treatments to be carried out depends on the structure of the hair, its thickness, and its color. In addition, in women, new hairs may appear on the face in the future due to hormones, as the laser removes only those that are currently in the growth phase.

– Laser hair removal removes hair after just one treatment.

Myth, because it is a long process that must be carried out at intervals (min 7 weeks), and usually 6 – 8 treatments must be performed. After each treatment new hairs will grow back until they disappear completely.

– Our skin is very irritated after the treatment itself Myth.

Just after the procedure, your skin can be slightly irritated, but it should disappear within several hours. Of course here again I encourage you to read the contraindications of the treatment itself.

– Laser hair removal is always painless.

This is both a truth and a myth, as it is an individual issue for each of us. A lot depends on the areas which are subjected to epilation and on what day of the menstrual cycle we are.
That’s why for some it hurts more, for others less, and for yet others not at all.

– If you are taking contraceptive medication, you can benefit from laser treatment Indeed, contraceptive pills or patches do not exclude the possibility of carrying out the treatment. However, the situation is different if you are taking hormonal medication for your thyroid, or for certain hormonal disorders (e.g. *PCOS, hirsutism). Then it is
necessary to consult with your doctor whether there will be any contraindications to the procedure.

The use of certain medications can weaken the very effect of the laser, but contraceptives themselves are not a contraindication to it.

– Depilation at home is just as effective as in a beauty salon

True, until recently laser treatment could only be carried out in beauty salons.

Fortunately, times are changing and now we can carry out the same beauty treatments at home, they are just as effective and save time. Of course, you should look for proven devices that have proven effectiveness and safety of use.

Such devices include our product, which has recently won the hearts of many users from all over the world.
It is also a handy gadget with an interesting design, of course, there are many different models available on the market, but not always with such an interesting design. Here you can find our best IPL laser home device product – smooth skin, where you can find a detailed description of its operation, its functions, and comments from users.

*PCOS – or polycystic ovary syndrome – is a common endocrine disorder. It mainly affects women of reproductive age and if untreated can lead to infertility and metabolic disorders.

*Hirsutism, or excessive hair, is caused by hormonal disorders. It is the presence of an excessive amount of mature hair on androgen-sensitive (male) areas in women.

Is laser hair removal safe?

Laser hair removal is generally safe when performed by a licensed professional. Complications are rare but can include skin irritation, burns, and pigmentation change

s. It is important to consult with a dermatologist or other medical professional prior to undergoing treatment to ensure that it is right for you.

How does laser hair removal work?

Laser hair removal works by using a laser to target the melanin, or pigment, in the hair follicle. The laser energy is then absorbed by the follicle and converted into heat. This heat destroys the follicle and prevents it from producing new hair.

Most people need several laser hair removal treatments to achieve desired results. The number of treatments needed depends on factors like skin color, hair thickness, and the area treated.

What is laser hair removal?

Laser hair removal is a method of removing unwanted hair from the body. It uses a laser to target the hair follicles and destroy them. This method is often used to remove unwanted hair from the face, legs, arms, and bikini line.

Laser hair removal is considered to be a safe and effective method of hair removal. However, there are some risks associated with this procedure. These risks include skin irritation, burns, and scarring.

Stacy Reed
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