What Happens If You Do 100 Squats A Day? – (Tips For Beginners)

If you are one of those people who wonder what will happen if you do 100 squats a day it’s worth reading this post. We will answer your questions about what happens if you do 100 squats a day, what they give our bodies and what the long-term effects are. It is an ideal exercise that you can do at home.

So what happens if you do 100 squats a day? Squats model muscles of the legs, thighs, and also buttocks. It is also a proven way to burn unnecessary calories,

it increases our metabolism. 

Squats – What are the main effects?

When bending the knees, mainly the muscles of the back of the thighs are involved. When extending, on the other hand, all the muscles that make up the quadriceps are formed.

The movement of bending and straightening the knees also involves other muscles, such as the gluteus maximus muscle, gastrocnemius muscle, external oblique muscle of the abdomen, and some back muscles. This exercise affects:

  • strengthening the muscles of the back, abdomen, buttocks, thighs, and calves
  • improving joint mobility
  • increase bone density
  • improving our balance
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Additionally, to increase the effect of squats we can do them with a load, it can be a barbell or a dumbbell. While performing this exercise we will also exercise our

biceps. If you challenge yourself to exercise regularly you will see what will happen if you do 100 squats a day.

What Happens If You Do 100 Squats A Day?
What Happens If You Do 100 Squats A Day?

Types of squats – find exercise for you

There are quite a few types of squats, varying in the way they are performed and the degree of difficulty. To get the best results in these exercises it is worth combining several squats of different types. Below we describe some of the more popular ones:

1) Classic squat – stand straight, legs hip-width apart, arms extended in front of you. Start performing the squat – bend your knees and push your hips back. Remember about correct posture and a tight abdomen.

2) Sumo squat – stand up straight with your legs wider than hip-width apart and your feet pointing slightly outwards. Begin to perform a sumo squat – slightly pushing your hips back, descend to a position below a right angle. This kind of squat is slightly more difficult and also engages our muscles more.

3) Pulse squat – stand straight, legs hip-width apart, extend your arms and descend to a half squat position. Then make vigorous down and up pulsing movements. This type of squat is an excellent endurance exercise.

4) Jump squat – stand up straight then put one leg back, performing a bend, the weight should be distributed evenly on both legs. Perform a squat and from this position jump up, landing in a half squat. As you jump, remember to keep your abdominal and glutes tight.

5) Kettlebell squat – Stand straight with your legs hip-width apart or wider. Grab a kettlebell and bring it close to your chest or lower it casually down between your legs. Perform a squat as low as you can. Without bending your knees, return to the starting position.

6) Bulgarian squat – stand up straight, put your leg back and, stub the toes of your foot, rest it on an elevated platform. Do not lose your pr

evious pelvic alignment or tilt your hips from side to side. Perform a squat to a right-angle position. Keep your torso upright. Return to the starting position.

7) Isometric squat – a slightly different type of squat, but great for strengthening our body and muscles. Walk up to a wall, lean back, press your back so that it is straight, then bend your legs forward at a right angle. Hold for 60sec, supporting yourself with your legs. 

8) Ballet squat – stand up straight, then spread your legs wider than hip-width apart, after squatting you can stand on tiptoe to get your calves involved. This is a slightly more difficult form of squat, but remember a variety of exercises is advisable. If you are an activity-loving person, it is worth taking interest in the subject of body rolling, which has a very positive effect on our muscles. 

100 squats per day for one month

Every exercise done regularly brings visible results, and squatting is an exercise that affects the lower parts of our body. So what happens if you do 100 squats every day for a month?

Squats make your thighs more slender and your buttocks more firm and lifted. If you also do squats with weights you also strengthen your abdominal muscles, it becomes tighter and more sculpted. 

In Summary – What happens if you do 100 squats a day?

Squats are very good exercises for shapely legs, thighs, and buttocks. In addition, this exercise works on our skin, also eliminating cellulite, and our skin becomes tighter and more elastic. There are many varieties of squats and everyone regardless of their level of advancement will choose one for himself.

Remember that regularity is very important here, even after 2 weeks you can see positive effects. However, we encourage you to see for yourself what will happen if you will do 100 squats a day. Here you can see a description of what is happening to our body during squats in statistics.

Stacy Reed
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