What Is The Cause Of Spider Veins? – (Tips For Treatment)

Are you also one of those people who have a problem with spider veins on their legs? If so, you should read this post, as we will try to bring you closer to this problem, which is not only of an aesthetic nature.   

What causes spider veins? Most of the time spider veins are caused by hormonal changes, sunlight, injuries, and even stress can be the cause of it. T

hey can appear on the face, neckline, or legs. They are also a sign of impending allergies or blood circulation problems or even venous insufficiency. These problems are more common in women and can appear at any age.

Spider veins on legs – not only aesthetics  

Problems with broken capillaries are more common in women, spider veins can appear on the face, neckline, or legs. They may be a sign of an impending allergy or a problem with blood circulation or even venous insufficiency. 

In healthy people, blood vessels dilate and contract, but when this process is disrupted they are weak and inflexible. They break just below the epidermal layer, form so-called spider veins, and in high concentration can cause redness of the entire skin area.

Cracked capillaries are mainly a problem of dry, thin and delicate skin or with a light complexion. They appear mainly in the area of the nose, cheeks, cleavage, and on thighs, and calves. 

What Is The Cause Of Spider Veins?
What Is The Cause Of Spider Veins?

Causes of spider veins:

Cracking blood vessels are divided into primary (that is, related to congenital diseases of the skin or organs), or secondary (related to external factors, and skin ailments). They can appear at any age but in several situations, we are more exposed to them, these include:

  • genetic predisposition, if present in either parent, it is highly likely that they will also appear in children, In some people, the capillaries run very shallowly under the skin and are then more visible
  • external factors, temperature, humidity, strong wind, frequent use of a solarium or frequent sunbathing, environmental pollution, or use of certain steroids also hav
    e an influence on the appearance of spider veins
  • diseases such as diabetes, hormonal disorders, high blood pressure, and rosacea. People with these conditions are more likely to have problems with broken blood vess
  • Lack of exercise, unfortunately staying in one position for a long time, whether sitting or standing, puts strain on veins, mainly in the legs. With little movement, our circulation slows down and the blood is not always adequately oxygenated
  • hormonal contraception, and use is also associated with many complications, including spider veins and varicose veins (hormones contained in drugs weaken the elasticity of blood vessel walls).
  • pregnancy affects the state of hormones and increases the occurrence of spider veins. Due to the appearance of the fetus, there is an increase in the amount of blood in the body, which causes the veins to enlarge, which usually disappear spontaneously about 3 months after birth.
  • inadequate diet, the occurrence of spider veins can be aggravated especially by spicy condiments and drinking alcohol (drinking alcohol can lead to skin redness and blood vessel ruptures). 

How to take care of skin with spider veins?

Although broken capillaries are painless, sometimes we can only feel a slight itching or tingling, they should not be underestimated, because the problem will only get worse.

It is important to consciously introduce certain rules and follow them, which should reduce the problem of spider veins. Therefore, pay attention to: 

  • the use of UVA and UVB creams will protect our skin from the harmful effects of UV rays
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  • avoiding wearing high-heeled shoes and ill-fitting footwear
  • not taking too hot baths because they dilate the blood vessels and lead to their bursting (no sauna)
  • abstain from alcohol and fatty foods
  • using greasy creams in winter
  • using the right cosmetics, preferably tailored to your skin type
  • proper diet, preferably rich in vitamin C, i.e. with plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables

Unfortunately, there are many causes of blood vessels bursting and spider veins appearing, some of them we have no influence on, and others we can avoid. In this post, we have dealt mainly with the cause of burst blood vessels on the legs, while in another post you can read about the problems of burst blood vessels on the face.

What are the other symptoms of spider veins?

As we already know, the bursting of blood vessels itself is not painful, but we can sometimes observe the afflictions in question:

  • a feeling of tired and heavy legs, which appear despite little effort
  • swelling of the legs and ankles in the evening, as if the legs were tired after a day of walking
  • a feeling of numbness or tingling in the legs

If we do nothing about the problem of spider veins, they will continue to grow and appear in more and more new places on the skin. Unfortunately, it is a negative condition that does not go away on its own, fortunately, there are several solutions to deal with them. 

The appearance of spider veins on the legs is usually the first sign of developing venous insufficiency or so-called varicose veins. These ailments should not be ignored as untreated they can lead to a dangerous thrombosis – thrombophlebitis.

If you notice alarming changes in your skin, it is worth going to a venous specialist, i.e. phlebologist. 

What are the methods to combat the appearance of spider veins? 

Medication – there are many tablets, ointments, or creams available on the market. Many of them contain diosmin, which improves the tension of vessel walls and has a protective effect; medications that contain it are available without a prescription. Many creams or ointments for spider veins contain horse chestnut extract, hesperidin, rutin, or aescin.

Various types of treatments from aesthetic medicine or at the doctors – one of the most popular treatments for broken blood vessels and spider veins are laser treatments, which permanently remove skin discoloration after just a few sessions. If we are already dealing with single varicose veins, we can use sclerotherapy treatment.

This procedure consists of indirect injection of a suitable preparation into the dilated blood vessel. The aim of the administered medicine is to shrink the blood vessel, which leads to its overgrowth, and as a result, it is no longer visible. 

Home remedies for emerging spider veins

An important way to combat the appearance of spider veins is prevention, i.e. preventing the appearance of new broken blood vessels and spider veins. It is recommended to follow a diet rich in products containing vitamin C, omega-3 acids, flavonoids, zinc, and iron.

Supplementation of vitamin K, rutin, or ginkgo Biloba extract is also recommended. We can take them in the form of tablets or herbal teas.

If you are overweight, it is important to reduce your body weight and exercise regularly, this will help your circulatory system to better oxygenate the whole body and will protect you in the future from many unpleasant ailments such as atherosclerosis.

Pay attention to everyday activities, such as putting one foot in front of the other, staying in one position for a long time, or a diet high in fats, preservatives, or too much sugar. 

Products to help combat spider veins

There are many products on the market to help us prevent or combat this problem. An important element in the treatment of circulation problems is the use of specialized varicose vein tights or stockings. Their task is to support the proper emptying of blood vessels and prevent their further widening. 

The degree of compression of these products should depend on the advancement of the ailment; a doctor should help in their selection. Varicose veins can be purchased both in pharmacies and online. 

What can we do for our legs?

Each of us, regardless of whether we have problems with spider veins or varicose veins appearing, should take care of our legs. Beautiful and healthy legs are not only aesthetic but also healthy for the whole body.

Daily care and awareness of what harms our legs and what affects the appearance of spider veins is important. These few things will have a good effect on your legs and the whole circulation:

  • movement is health, physical activity is one of the basics of taking care of your health. Unfortunately, due to the type of work we do, whether sitting or standing, we spend too much time in one position. This weakens not only our circulation and muscles but also our immunity. Even 30 minutes of different daily physical activity can have a positive impact on our health 
  • avoid stimulants, especially smoking and drinking alcohol have a negative effect on our blood vessels, leading to the appearance of spider veins and broken veins on the skin. These stimulants cause blood vessels to shrink and thus obstruct the flow of blood, which in turn transports oxygen that is vital to the entire body. The long-term consequences can be the formation of blood clots and even an increased risk of a heart attack.
  • relaxation and avoidance of stress, due to the increasingly fast pace of life and many responsibilities at work more and more people have a problem with stress. Long-term stress results in elevated blood pressure, heart rate, and accelerated heart rate. In addition, it reduces the ability of blood vessels to dilate, which is a major stimulus for cardiovascular disease. They are also the cause of spider veins and varicose veins on the skin.
  • a healthy diet, pay attention to what you eat and keep a balanced diet. Avoid products rich in sugars and trans fats (which can be found in chips, sweets, and mayonnaise, for example). They damage venous vessels and valves present there, contributing to the development of chronic venous insufficiency. It is also important to eat regular and light meals. 

In Summary – What is the cause of spider veins?

If you also have spider veins and broken capillaries, do not ignore the problem because it will get worse. Circulation problems resulting in broken capillaries on the skin can be very serious and lead even to venous insufficiency, thrombosis, or atherosclerosis.

The most important thing in preventing circulatory problems is exercise and sport, a healthy diet, and avoiding stimulants. Here you can see statistics on the incidence of varicose veins and the causes of their occurrence. Prevention is better than cure, this saying applies to every disease. 

How can spider veins be treated?

Spider veins are small, twisted blood vessels that can be seen just under the skin. They are usually red, blue, or purple, and most commonly appear on the legs. Spider veins are not dangerous, but they can be unsightly.

There are several treatment options available for spider veins. Sclerotherapy is a popular choice, which involves injecting a solution into the spider veins. This solution causes the veins to collapse and fade away over time. Other treatments include laser therapy and surgery.

Spider veins can be treated effectively with various methods. If you are concerned about the appearance of spider veins, talk to your doctor about the best treatment option for you.

How can I reduce the appearance of spider veins?

Spider veins are a common condition that can be unsightly and cause discomfort. While there is no cure for spider veins, there are treatments that can help reduce their appearance.

Compression stockings are often recommended for people with spider veins. They help to increase blood flow and reduce swelling. Other treatments include laser therapy, sclerotherapy, and surgery.

Spider veins can be a cosmetic concern or a sign of an underlying medical condition. If you are concerned about your spider veins, talk to your doctor about treatment options.

Are spider veins dangerous?

Spider veins are often considered a cosmetic problem. But they can also be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, such as venous insufficiency or blood clots.

Spider veins are usually harmless and don’t cause any pain or discomfort. But in some cases, they can be a sign of an underlying health condition that needs to be treated.

If you have spider veins and are experiencing any pain, swelling, or other symptoms, it’s important to see a doctor to rule out any serious underlying conditions.

Stacy Reed
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