What Should I Do When My Best Friend Likes My Boyfriend?

Everyone has that one single person in life who you can trust no matter what, with who you would like to spend your free time and talk about everything, that person can be called your best friend. After some time you have finally found the right man who later becomes your boyfriend, but what if the emotions between your boyfriend and your best friends are starting to get a bit weird. What should I do when my best friend ikes my boyfriend? Should I separate them to prevent any cheating? Those and many other questions will be answered here in this article.

There is a simple solution to that kind of issue. By simple chat with both of them, you will know for sure what’s between them, and if that can

be dangerous for your relationship with them. You should ask them separately, and if you are still suspicious after what they have told you then we will give you more ways to check out what’s going on between them, and a few tips on what you can do next.

My best friend likes my boyfriend
My best friend likes my boyfriend

How can I know if my best friend likes my boyfriend?

There are a few simple ways to know for sure if your best friend likes your boyfriend too much because that’s the main issue which is only when their bond becomes way too strong even to the point of cheating possibility.

You need to understand that if they both like each other then it is a good sign that you can do a lot of things in 3 persons which can be very fun rather than spending time only in a group of 2 persons. Their problem is getting bigger as their relationship grows, and there are a few signs to inform you what’s going on with their relationship:

  • Talking behind your back – If you know that they are texting each other, or talking in private that can give you a sign that there is something that connects them.
  • Too much tenderness in your presence – Maybe you were doing something in the group of 3 persons like bouldering or bowling, and you could notice some strange tenderness, like too much cuddling or dirty jokes.
  • Weird questions about each other – If your best friend asks about your boyfriend too many times, or he is doing something similar then it’s a bad sign.
  • Forcing you to meet in a group of 3 persons – Maybe your boyfriend often asks you to invite your best friend and do something fun, itR
    17;s totally normal but if it happens too often it can be dangerous. The same goes for your best friend if she asks you to invite your boyfriend for a party or just to hang out.

Those things above are here to help you in the future, so from now on you should watch out for those signs, also you can lay down on a bed and try to remember if any

of those happened before.

How can I know if my best friend likes my boyfriend
How can I know if my best friend likes my boyfriend?

What can I do if my best friend likes my boyfriend?

The problem is very complicated because you can lose your boyfriend and also your best friend so the best outcome for you will be to don’t lose both of them, and you can do this by talking with them.

It’s better to talk about it with your best friend first because she will understand the situation and if she’s really your friend then you will talk about this issue and find the solution together.

One of those solutions can be limiting their relationship by avoiding any meetings with your boyfriend, and by not letting her text him again, but that solution can be drastic so it needs the acceptance of your friend.

Things can get messy if you talk about it with your boyfriend, then it can lead to a quarrel, and to prevent any mean comments you should check out our new article about “Is It Normal To Argue With Your Boyfriend?“.

Your boyfriend can feel offended if you tell him that “You are getting too friendly with my friend” and that can be tough so we suggest you talk about it with your best friend first because it will be much easier.

What can I do if my best friend likes my boyfriend?
What can I do if my best friend likes my boyfriend?

Your best option right now is to talk with them but you can try to break their relation with force, for example preventing any meetings that could include both of them at the same time in one place.

In summary – What Should I Do When My Best Friend Likes My Boyfriend?

You should make sure that they are too friendly with each other before you start to do anything about it, but if you already are 100% sure that this can lead you to t

he future where you lose your boyfriend and also your best friend then you should try to talk about it with your best friend because she is more likely to understand your worries!

Stacy Reed
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