Why My Boyfriend Never Takes Me Out? – (2022 statistics)

There is not a single relationship that is perfect, but that doesn’t mean that we should not try to be one. Sometimes we face simple issues between us and our partners for example “Who will have to take out the trash?” or “Why my boyfriend never takes me out?” here in this article we will focus on the second one and the reasons why your boyfriend doesn’t want to get out with you.

Sometimes people get used to how things around them look if they feel comfortable with them. So that means that they don’t want to change anything in their rela

tionships until something will be truly wrong.

If your boyfriend doesn’t want to take you out then that is often a more complex problem, but it is often related to something trivial. It can mean that your boyfriend already got used to not taking you out, and he thinks that’s total okay, so if that’s the case then you should tell him that you would like to get out with him on a date or you could even propose something to do outside. Sometimes it is also related to saving money or simply due to the comfort that your home is giving you both.

Unfortunately, that problem is often more complex than this so we will have to dive deeper to give you a proper answer, but at first let’s talk about relationships, in general, to get a better look at your expectations, because they can give you the answers! We also prepared statistics to prove our point but more on that later.

Why did my relationship look better before?

In 99% of relationships, things were different at the start of your relationship. You can think of those times as better times because you and your partner had that high attraction to each other.

That is a very common thing that at first few weeks you are constantly thinking about your partner, and things that you would like to do with him or her, but that’s simply due to our human nature. That’s how our brain and feeling work, and it will stabilize at some point after a few months.

At this point, it is only an infatuation and not a true love, but it is easily mistaken by many. True love is built over a long time, so you will have to wait and gradually build that together with your partner.

Why my boyfriend never takes me out?
Why my boyfriend never takes me out?

To prove our point we have to say that when those emotions are high it is easy to make someone

" data-type="post" data-id="1674">cry or even break up in the first month, due to that high level of thoughts and emotions that are related to your relationship. After a few months, your relationship will stabilize and you will start to think twice before doing radical things.

Why my boyfriend prefers to stay home?

Staying home is a great way if you want to save money for something bigger like a trip. Also, it is very comfortable because you ca

n make your own food in your own kitchen and eat it while watching your favorite Netflix series.

So as you can see there are a lot of positives if you decide to stay at home, but sometimes it is good to visit new places or dress up attractively for a romantic dinner at a restaurant.

So no matter if it is due to being comfortable or saving money if that’s not okay with you then you should have a conversation about it. But if you feel like every other couple around you is going out often then we will show you the statistics that we have gathered from our viewers.

Do Boyfriends take you out often? (Statistics)

Our audience is mostly female based, and we wanted to take a deeper look into some problems, that’s why we have created a poll recently. We wanted to know the answer to the question “How often does your boyfriend take you out?“, and here we will show you the results that we have gathered.

  • A few times a week: 16.5%
  • Once a week: 22.9%
  • Once a month: 35.2%
  • We hardly go out: 21.1%
  • -- End Ezoic - wp_incontent_38 - incontent_38 -->
  • Boyfriend never takes me out: 4.3%

As you can see from our data most women answered that they go out with their partner only once a month which is not a lot, and proves that is a common problem in relationships. Around 60% of women said that they hardly move out on a date with a partner or only once a month.

So if you think that you are the only one that has a weird relationship then as you can see most the relationships are not going out very often.

Also, we had an option in our poll that the boyfriend never takes out his girlfriend but as you can see the percentage of it is close to the 0 which means that there are not a lot of relationships where a couple literally never goes out. Some people just do prefer to stay at home at that’s totally okay.

Statistics can be skewed a little bit due to the fact of what’s happening right now in the world when transport is limited and gastronomy has a lot of issues.

But maybe those statistics mean something opposite, that couples should not go on a date too often? Maybe there is a hidden reason for that, so let’s focus on that for a bit.

Can couples go on a date?

Some people when they are already in a relationship, don’t think about going out as something similar to a date. Sometimes it gets very repetitive to the point that they treat it as something totally normal.

But if a couple goes simply to spend time with each other then they can easily call it a date without any hesitation. So don’t worry because there are many different types of dates that still fall under that category!

How to convince my boyfriend to take me out for a date?

If you are in a relationship that means that you both should have something to say and you should treat each other as equals. So that means if your boyfriend would prefer to spend one evening watching movies with you at your place then you should be the person who decides what the next date should be.

Remember that when you are in a relationship then you should listen to each other and not force anything. Every problem can be solved by a simple chat.

Every hard conversation will make your relationship stronger in a long run so don’t avoid hard conversations if they are necessary for your relationship.

In Conclusion – Why my boyfriend never takes me out?

Your boyfriend simply doesn’t feel the need to get you out, and that’s why you should immediately tell him that you would prefer to get out with him on a date from time to time.

So if you still struggle and don’t know what to do to get out as a couple then use our tips from above, and remember that a conversation is a key to improving the quality of your relationship.

Maybe after this article, you noticed some good aspects of staying home with your boyfriend and if that’s true then you should definitely check out our article about things that you can do with your boyfriend at home “Cute Things To Do With Your Boyfriend At Home – (14 Fun Ideas)“.

Stacy Reed
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